Sunday, November 30, 2008


UNcutz WOTW07

no bigggie!

AC Slater frontside deuce.

Putting on the thinking cap

Brainstorming sesh with 3 idiots

yet, came up with a brilliant idea...

Get an AC Slater photo

AC Slater (eh-sea sley-tor) verb
To deficate while faceing the back of the Toilet, ie to use the toilet backwards.
Made popular by AC Slater's (Saved by the Bell)  jocky attitude style of sitting on a chair turned around. Removal of the pants is nessasary.

 Schwilly was feeling it..

Ryan trademark drinkin and drivin.

These idiots.

Wyn was siked but not convinced.

Canadian Slammers were served during prep work time.

Shit was getting bonkaz

Getting in the zone..

Smokin meth out a 40

Then ryan was like "dude come quick its happening!!"

So i dipped on these sluts and ran to the RR all quick like.


Just realizing now this was a bad idea..

cruzty chick BGP's


Just been getting awwwsum.


Saturday, November 29, 2008